Thai Union is rated number one in the world in the food products industry in the 2018 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).
The fight against ghost gear - fishing gear abandoned, lost and discarded on the ocean floor - is part of Thai Union's sustainability strategy, SeaChange®. Ghost gear washes up on beaches, tangles on coral reefs, threatens navigation and ensnares marine life, so combatting it requires hands-on support from companies like Thai Union. On June, 2019, Thai Union CEO Thirapong Chansiri joined a dive for ghost gear near Pattaya, Thailand.
Thai Union and WWF-UK have released their fourth annual partnership progress report on their European partnership. Thai Union and WWF have been working together since 2014 to deliver the commitments that they made when they signed up to the WWF 'Global Seafood Charter.' The partnership work has focused on improving the sustainability of seafood supply chains.
At Thai Union, we recognize the importance of educating children about nutrition so they can adopt healthy eating habits at a young age. To support this, Thai Union held a series of nutritional workshops in 2018 for more than 750 students in Samut Sakhon province in Thailand.
In recognition of Thai Union’s efforts to address modern slavery and forced labor, the company participated in a high-level panel at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to present its actions and experiences in front of the world’s leadership on this agenda on 24 September 2018 in New York, New York.
This video highlights how Thai Union, along with its partners, are capitalizing on modern technological advances to promote sustainability in the fishing and seafood industry as part of a digital traceability pilot project, the first of its kind in Thailand.
This video highlights how modern technological advances are used to promote sustainability and boost human rights in the fishing and seafood industry, introducing audiences to the crew members, captains and fleet owners trained on chat applications which enable them to connect with families and peers around the world while at sea—an industry first for Thai fisheries.
This video highlights how e-logbooks are used as a key link in the digital chain of custody verification system and supported industry efforts to guard against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, monitor labor standards on vessels and protect stock levels for the future.
Sea birds, turtles, dolphins and other animals often mistake larger plastic items in the ocean as food. Learn how small, everyday actions can make a significant difference in helping protect the world’s precious marine life.
Learn more about Thai Union’s fully traceable shrimp supply chain.
Learn more about what exactly a fishery is and how it is related to global consumption.
Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) are incredibly important for sustainable development. It is vital more fisheries meet MSC standards for certification. FIPs are an important component of this concept.